2-filxhana t'kafes zejtin
2-filxhana t'kafes sheqer
1-lug e supes peciv
100 gr kokos
miell simbas nevojes por brumi te jet i bute.
Krejt keto te lart per mendura e bejme brumin .I ndajme ne gogla te njejta ,ja japim formen si te gjat pak dhe e trusim ne renden e grvishurdhe i renditim ne tepsin e lyer me pak vaj.
Piqen ne temp 200C Njera prej ketyre do te jet e ftoht kurse tjetra e nxeht.
Sherbeti: 2 tasa sheqer
2 tasa uje
I zien mir dhe ja qet permbi( nese tatlija eshte e ftoht ,sherbeti duhet i nxeht apo e kunderta).
Cookies with syrup
1-cup vegetable oil
1 tblsp baking powder
100 gr coconut(desiccated)
flour as you needed to make a soft dough
From all this ingredients make a soft dough then split the dough in to small pieces and reshaped to ovals and put them in surface of grinder and press to get marks of grinder on surface. Put on lightly oiled tray and bake at 200C until golden yellow .
Syrup: 2 cups of sugar
2 cups of water
Boil well and put over the cold cookies.(one of them to be hot one cold).
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